Ngày 20/7/2017, Trung Quốc đã thông báo với Tổ chức Thương mại Thế giới (WTO) về dự thảo các tiêu chuẩn liên quan đến 421 hạn chế dư lượng tối đa (maximum residue limits – MRLs) cho 112 thuốc trừ sâu trong thực phẩm, tại văn bản SPS/N/CHN/1054. Hạn đóng góp ý kiến cho dự thảo này là 18/9/2017; ngày dự kiến hiệu lực hiện vẫn chưa có. Các ý kiến đóng góp sẽ được gửi về cơ quan chịu trách nhiệm SPS của Trung Quốc tại địa chỉ email: [email protected].

Dưới đây là chi tiết đề xuất tại dự thảo:

No. Names of Pesticide Crop MRL
1 2,4-D butylate Sugar cane 0.05
2 2,4-D-ethylhexyl Wheat 2*
3 Abamectin Soybean 0.05
Vegetable soybean 0.05
Cane shoots 0.1
4 Diethyl aminoethylhexanoate Soybean 0.05*
Vegetable soybean 0.05*
5 Chlorothalonil Potato 0.2
6 Difenoconazole Pomegranate 0.1
7 Zoxamide Cucumber 2
8 Pyriproxyfen Head cabbage 3
9 Pyraflufen-ethyl Cotton seed 0.1*
10 Imidacloprid Spinach 5
Lotus seed (fresh) 0.05
Lotus root 0.05
11 Pymetrozine Spinach 15
Lotus seed (fresh) 0.02
Lotus root 0.02
12 Pyraclostrobin Banana 1
Tea 10
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.5*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05*
Poultry meat 0.05*
Poultry viscera 0.05*
Eggs (fresh) 0.05*
Raw milk 0.03*
13 Propiconazole Corn 0.05
Cane shoots 0.05
Lotus seed (fresh) 0.05
Lotus root 0.05
Common cattail 0.05
Chufa 0.05
Sagittaria sagittifolia 0.05
Water chestnut 0.05
Gorgon euryale 0.05
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.01
Viscera of mammal animals 0.01
Poultry meat, expressed with residual amount in fat 0.01
Poultry fats 0.01
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.01
14 Glufosinate-ammonium Cowpea 0.5*
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 3*
Poultry meat 0.05*
Poultry viscera 0.1*
Eggs (fresh) 0.05*
Raw milk 0.02*
15 Chlorfenapyr Mulberry 2
16 Kasugamycin Watermelon 0.1*
17 Metriam Ginger 1
18 Mancozeb Cotton seed 0.5
19 Diquat Citrus 0.1
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions ofmarine mammal) 0.05*
Poultry meat 0.05*
Poultry viscera 0.05*
Eggs (fresh) 0.05*
Raw milk 0.01*
20 Butachlor Cotton seed 0.2
21 Carbosulfan Wheat 0.1
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.05
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exception of marine mammal) 0.05
Poultry meat 0.05
Poultry viscera 0.05
Eggs (fresh) 0.05
22 Coumoxystrobin Cucumber 0.5*
23 Acetamiprid Spinach 5
Lotus seed (fresh) 0.05
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.02
Poultry meat 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.05
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.02
24 Boscalid Rapeseed 2
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.7
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.2
Poultry meat 0.02
Poultry viscera 0.02
Poultry fats 0.02
Eggs (fresh) 0.02
Raw milk 0.1
25 Picoxystrobin Grape 1
Lotus seed (fresh) 0.2
26 Carbendazim Lotus root 0.2
Beef 0.05
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05
Poultry meat 0.05
Poultry fats 0.05
Eggs (fresh) 0.05
Raw milk 0.05
27 Polyoxins Grape 10*
28 Famoxadone Potato 0.5
Raisin 5
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.5*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.5*
Poultry meat 0.01*
Poultry viscera 0.01*
Eggs (fresh) 0.01*
Raw milk 0.03*
29 Pendimethalin Potato 0.2
30 Clopyralid Sugar beet 2
31 Diazinon Pork, beef, lamb 0.1
Pork, beef, lamb 2*
Kidney (pork, beef, lamb) 0.03*
Liver (pork, beef, lamb) 0.03*
Chicken 0.02*
Chicken viscera 0.02*
Egg 0.02*
Raw milk 0.02*
32 Dithianon Watermelon 1*
33 Flurtamone Wheat 0.05
34 Flubendiamide Sugar cane 0.2*
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 2
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 1
Raw milk 0.1
35 Fluopyram Banana 0.3*
36 Fluazinam Cucumber 0.3
37 Flusilazole Citrus 2
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 1
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 2
Poultry meat 0.2
Poultry viscera 0.2
Eggs (fresh) 0.1
Raw milk 0.05
38 Fomesafen Mung bean 0.05
39 Triflumizole Watermelon 0.2*
40 Flumorph Tomato 10*
41 Flutolanil Peanut 0.5
42 Fluxapyroxad Banana 0.5*
43 Thiram Mushroom (fresh) 5
44 Ziram Tomato 5
45 Beta-cyfluthrin Head cabbage 0.5
46 Beta-cyfluthrin Potato 0.02
47 Fludioxonil Grape 2
48 Hexaconazole Watermelon 0.05
49 Emamectin benzoate Cane shoots 0.1
Tea 0.5
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.004*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.08*
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.02*
Raw milk 0.002*
50 Thiophanate-methyl Citrus 3
Tea 5
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05
51 Carbaryl Liver (pork, beef, lamb) 1
Kidney (pork, beef, lamb) 3
Raw milk 0.05
52 Myclobutanil Cowpea 2
53 Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl Barley 0.2
54 Quizalofop-P-ethyl Potato 0.05
55 Jiangangmycin Apple 1
56 Captan Tomato 5
57 Oxine-copper Litchi 5*
58 Bifenthrin Sugar cane 0.05
59 Thiodicarb Head cabbage 1
60 Chlorantraniliprole Soybean 0.05*
Vegetable soybean 2*
61 Prochloraz Cane shoots 0.1
62 Kresoxim-methyl Grape 1
63 Azoxystrobin Lotus seed (fresh) 0.05
Lotus root 0.05
64 Dazomet Ginger 2*
65 Bentazone Potato 0.1
66 Cyromazine Oyster mushroom 1
67 Ningnanmycin Cucumber 1*
68 Prometryn Soybean 0.05
Vegetable soybean 0.05
69 Metribuzin Potato 0.2
70 Cyanazine Sugar cane 0.05
71 Propargite Mulberry 10
72 Thidiazuron Apple 0.05*
73 Clothianidin Tea 10
74 Thiacloprid Tea 10
75 Thiamethoxam Potato 0.2
76 Thifluzamide Peanut kernel 0.3
77 Thiodiazole-copper Tomato 0.5*
78 Benziothiazolinone Rice 1*
Brown rice 0.5*
79 Fosthiazate Potato 0.1
80 Zinc-thiazole Peach 1*
81 Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid Cucumber 0.3*
82 Isopyrazam Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01*
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.01*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02*
Poultry meat 0.01*
Poultry fats 0.01*
Poultry viscera 0.01*
Eggs (fresh) 0.01*
Raw milk 0.01*
83 Prothioconazole Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.5*
Raw milk 0.004*
84 Profenofos Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.05
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.05
Poultry meat 0.05
Poultry viscera 0.05
Eggs (fresh) 0.02
Raw milk 0.01
85 Tebufenozide Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.05
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02
Poultry meat 0.02
Eggs (fresh) 0.02
Raw milk (with the exception of cow milk) 0.01
Cow milk 0.05
86 Diflubenzuron Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.1*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.1*
Poultry meat, expressed with residual amount in fat 0.05*
Poultry fats 0.05*
Eggs (fresh) 0.05*
Raw milk 0.02*
87 Dichlorvos Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01*
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.01*
Poultry meat 0.01*
Poultry viscera 0.01*
Poultry fats 0.01*
Eggs (fresh) 0.01*
Raw milk 0.01*
88 Fenpropimorph Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02
Liver (pork, beef, lamb) 0.3
Kidney (pork, beef, lamb) 0.05
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.01
Poultry meat 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.01
Poultry fats 0.01
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.01
89 Chlorpyrifos Beef fat 1
Lamb fat 1
Pork fat 0.02
Pig viscera 0.01
Viscera of caprinae animals 0.01
Bovine kidney 0.01
Bovine liver 0.01
Poultry meat 0.01
Poultry fats 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.01
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.02
90 Spinosad Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammals’ meat and beef), expressed with residual amount in fat 2
Beef fat 3
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal)(with the exceptions of bovine kidney and bovine live) 0.5
Bovine kidney 1
Bovine liver 2
Poultry meat, expressed with residual amount in fat 0.2
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 1
91 Diphenylamine Beef 0.01*
Bovine liver 0.05*
Bovine kidney 0.01*
Raw milk 0.01*
92 Dinotefuran Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.1*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.1*
Poultry meat 0.02*
Poultry viscera 0.02*
Eggs (fresh) 0.02*
Raw milk 0.1*
93 Fluopicolide Onion 1*
Head cabbage 7*
Brussels sprouts 0.2*
Brassica vegetables 2*
Leaf vegetables (with the exception of celery) 30*
Celery 20*
Solanaceous vegetables 0.5*
Gourd vegetables 1*
Grape 2*
Raisin 10*
Dried chili 7*
Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.01*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01*
Poultry meat 0.01*
Poultry viscera 0.01*
Eggs (fresh) 0.01*
Raw milk 0.02*
94 Fipronil Bovine kidney 0.02
Bovine liver 0.1
Poultry meat 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.02
Eggs (fresh) 0.02
Milk 0.02
95 Sulfoxaflor Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.3*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.6*
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.1*
Poultry meat 0.1*
Poultry viscera 0.3*
Poultry fats 0.03*
Eggs (fresh) 0.1*
Raw milk 0.2*
96 Cyfluthrin Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.2*
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02*
Poultry meat 0.01*
Poultry viscera 0.01*
Eggs (fresh) 0.01*
Raw milk 0.01*
97 Methamidophos Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01
Poultry meat 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.01
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.02
98 Phorate Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.02
Poultry meat 0.05
Eggs (fresh) 0.05
Raw milk 0.01
99 Chlorpyrifos-methyl Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.1
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01
Poultry meat, expressed with residual amount in fat 0.01
Poultry fats 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.01
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.01
100 Pirimiphos-methyl Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01
Poultry meat 0.01
Poultry viscera 0.01
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.01
101 Carbofuran Meat (beef, lamb, horsemeat, pork) 0.05
Viscera (cattle, sheep, horse, pig) 0.05
Fat (cattle, sheep, horse, pig) 0.05
102 Quinoxyfen Meat from mammals (with the exceptions of marine mammal), expressed with residual amount in fat 0.2
Viscera of mammal animals (with the exceptions of marine mammal) 0.01
Poultry meat, expressed with residual amount in fat 0.02
Poultry fats 0.02
Eggs (fresh) 0.01
Raw milk 0.01
103 Dimethoate Meat (beef, lamb, horsemeat, pork) 0.05
Beef viscera 0.05
Viscera of caprinae animals 0.05
Mammalian fats (with the exception of milk fat) 0.05
Poultry meat 0.05
Poultry fats 0.05
Poultry viscera 0.05
Eggs (fresh) 0.05
Milk (cow’s milk and goat's milk) 0.05
104 Paraquat Rice 0.05
Tea 0.2
105 Flutriafol Soybean 0.4
Peanut kernel 0.15
Sweet pepper 1
Pome fruit 0.3
Grape 0.8
Banana 0.3
Raisin 2
Coffee bean 0.15
Dried chili 10
106 Haloxyfop Coarse cereals (with the exceptions of chickpeas and 3
Rapeseed 3
Edible podded pea 0.7
Leguminous vegetables (with the exceptions of edible podded pea, broad bean and vegetable soybean) 0.5
Pea (fresh) 1
107 Mandipropamid Raisin 5*
Dried chili 10*
108 Propamocarb Broccoli 0.2
109 Trifloxystrobin Wheat 0.2
Barley 0.5
Corn 0.02
Peanut kernel 0.02
Virgin olive oil 0.9
Refined olive oil 1.2
Leek 0.7
Head cabbage 0.5
Brussels sprouts 0.5
Cabbage lettuce 15
Radish leaf 15
Eggplant 0.7
Sweet pepper 0.3
Celery 1
Asparagus 0.05
Carrot 0.1
Radish 0.08
Citrus fruits (with the exception of citrus) 0.5
Pome fruit (with the exception of apples) 0.7
Stone fruits 3
Strawberry 1
Olive 0.3
Carica papaya 0.6
Raisin 5
Nuts 0.02
Sugar beet 0.05
Hops 40
110 Spinetoram Onion 0.8*
Welsh onion 0.8*
Brassica vegetables (with the exceptions of broccoli and head cabbage) 0.3*
Spinach 8*
Cabbage lettuce 10*
Leaf lettuce 10*
Celery *6
Tomato 0.06*
Leguminous vegetables (with the exceptions of broad bean, vegetable soybean and cowpea) 0.05*
Tangerine 0.07*
Pome fruit 0.05*
Peach 0.3*
Nectarine 0.3*
Blueberry 0.2*
Rubus idaeus 0.8*
Grape 0.3*
Nuts 0.01*
Sugar beet 0.01*
111 Etoxazole Cucumber 0.02
Citrus fruit (with the exception of citrus) 0.1
Pome fruit (with the exception of apples) 0.07
Grape 0.5
Nuts 0.01
Tea 15
Hops 15
Mint 15
112 Fenpyroximate Solanaceous vegetables 0.2
Cucumber 0.3
Citrus fruit(with the exception of citrus) 0.5
Pome fruit (with the exception of apples) 0.3
Grape 0.1
Raisin 0.3
Nuts 0.05
Hops 10
Dried chili 1


*MRL tạm thời


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